Become a Conscious Creator

Learn how to get more of what you truly desire & create a life you love in four simple steps, combining Psychology, Neuro-science & Energetics, so that you have absolute self-belief & confidence that everything you want to achieve is inevitable.





i'm in!!!

Would you love to know what the SECRET INGREDIENTS are between being where you are now & being where the people are who you look up to, who you are inspired by, who you think have it all, those who are living the life you wana be living or have more of what you want? 

Would having FOUR simple steps that are PROVEN to get you more of what you want in life & are SUPER simple to get your head around, be like a total dream?  

Do you wana peak behind the curtain of what ACTUALLY goes into having everything you want in life... the family, loving relationship, beautiful home, soul-led business, time freedom, amazing opportunities & to LOVE every part of your life... despite self-doubt, fear of failure or feeling like an imposter?

Do you wana receive ALLLLLL my best nuggets of LIFE wisdom (combining neuroscience, psychology & energetics... like ACTUAL science, not just casting spells or creating a vision board, although I'm also here for that!!) from the past TEN years of creating a life that keeps getting better & better?



This 2 hour mini course + 15 minute meditation guides you through the EXACT process I've used to create my dream life and the steps I KEEP coming back to as I level up, time & time again...

- Connect to what your soul REALLY wants, declare & own your vision FULLY so that you know EXACTLY where you're heading & can confidently show up for it (no playing small).

- Seriously level up your mindset so that you have the self-belief, trust & faith that everything you want is ABSOLUTELY inevitable FOR YOU (not just everyone else!!). 

- Become the version of you who is confident, successful & MAGNETISES everything she wants AND more.

- Take aligned action from a place of INNER KNOWING & conviction (no more stop/start, all or nothing, wishing/waiting/watching vibes) so that you have the momentum & commitment to make your vision a reality.

buy now for £33


- The SINGLE most important question to ask yourself to tap into your subconscious mind instantly (& find out all the things that are blocking you right now, that you didn't even know were there!).

- The PRECISE science backed method to reprogramme your belief system (without JUST TRYING TO THINK POSITIVELY & push those negative nancy thoughts away again!).

- The MOST simple yet powerful journal prompt enabling you to surrender, let go of control & have absolute FAITH that the universe is totally here for you no matter what.

- A WHOLE NEW APPROACH to replacing thoughts of self-doubt, fearing worst case scenario or feeling like an imposter, with thoughts/beliefs that you can ACTUALLY get yourself behind & on board with (no more positive affirmations that do F all). 

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Contact Me

I live in Harrogate, North Yorkshire with my husband & little boy Freddie, who's soon to be one years old. Life to me is all about savoring the luxury of simplicity... walks in nature, a bottle of prosecco with friends, making memories with the people I love, sitting by the fire to indulge in a new self-development book or podcast (with chocolate),  a candle lit meal, a weekend away in the countryside & truly loving where you are right now, just as much as you love the idea of where you're going. 

I've been on my own journey of healing & self discovery (we are all a work in progress!) to shed the conditioning of who I thought I needed to be to fit in, to rise above the fear of judgement, to manage anxiety & shame... & ultimately, to come back to my true authentic self, feeling whole & complete in who I am so that I could create a life I deeply love, my way. 

 I am accredited & registered with over 11 years working in the Psychology field with people from all walks of life including young offenders, those addicted to drink/drugs as well as those who 'have it all' but still don't feel truly lit up by life.

 I combine inner child healing, belief reprogramming & energetic alignment so that you can RADICALLY revolutionise how you feel in yourself, your relationships, your business & your life. I'm here to help you embody your purpose, power & potential, be who you REALLY are, take charge of your destiny & live the life that's meant for you. 



"Becky, I can't thank you enough... your experience & your professionalism is outstanding. I am so grateful I contacted you & so in awe of your awareness & understanding & your lovely way of helping me. You help to create a future whilst also understanding the past & I always feel so safe & strong after our sessions."


"Thank you so much for today. I am feeling more structured with the business which has just resulted in my securing a 3.5k fee in my 4pm call!! I know if I hadn't spent the time focusing with you today I would not have secured that case... so thank you. I am 3.5k closer to my target for January. You have made me believe in me and that I will remain me whilst accepting the help I have needed... thank you for being you."


“The day I found Becky was like a diamond in a rough being part of Brene Brown's community on Facebook drew me into Becky's purpose! I immediately resonated with her words, purpose, thoughts and stories! I learned more about myself in this last month and half than I ever have I truly feel! Becky is full of knowledge and wisdom in the self discovery, spiritual and life coaching world! She is very passionate, intuitive, caring, organized, driven, vulnerable and shares so much of her resources and tools to help you on your journey! She shares her truths and therefore inspires to do the same! Her approach is friendly, empowering and intimate!"